
McElroy Deutsch's higher education lawyers have decades of experience in providing representation and advice to private and public colleges and universities in a wide variety of legal disciplines.
Our attorneys have been engaged in counseling and litigation in matters involving faculty members, administrators, and staff in higher education institutions for more than twenty-five years.
Our higher education attorneys have defended numerous college and university clients in administrative proceedings, contractual grievance/arbitration procedures and trial and appellate litigation in the state and federal courts against claims by faculty members asserting:
- de facto tenure
- unlawful denial of tenure
- discriminatory denial of promotion to senior academic ranks
- detenuring and dismissal of faculty members
- discriminatory compensation policies and practices
- public employer-employee relations issues involving faculty members represented for purposes of collective negotiations by labor organizations and
- a wide variety of other claims.
In addition to employment matters involving faculty members, our experienced education lawyers have represented and provided advice to several colleges and universities in connection with employment-related issues involving administrators and staff, ranging from athletic coaches to campus police to technical staff. We have also helped frame and implement complex compensation arrangements for senior administrators.
In addition, our higher education lawyers advise public college and university clients in matters involving public access to public records under New Jersey statutes and the common law and, where necessary, representing those clients before the Government Records Council and in the courts.
We also have extensive experience in advising and representing college and university clients in disputes with students concerning matters ranging from academic probations and dismissals to disciplinary expulsions. McElroy Deutsch education attorneys have counseled colleges and universities extensively concerning their duties to accommodate students with learning and other disabilities through the provision of auxiliary aids and services, and otherwise. Our lawyers have appeared before the United States Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights concerning such issues and have advised college and university clients concerning dealings with the New Jersey State Commission of Investigation.